Types of Weight Loss Diets
A variety of options exist to help you lose weight and keep it off. The key to successful weight loss is making changes in your eating and physical activity habits that you will be able to maintain for the rest of your life. I’ve tried most of these diets over the years and have found some that work well and others that don’t. What I have learned is that the most important thing is to find a diet that suits you.
The Different Types of Diets
To lose weight and keep it off, you should be aware of the different types of diets available and the important parts of a good diet.
Knowing this information should help you select or design a weight-loss program that will work for you.
The three main types of weight-loss programs include:
Calorie counting diets –
This works on the scientifically proven foundation of calorie deficit (if the truth be told, they all work on this foundation, but the other two work on food types and claim to help burn fat through ketosis or other methods)
Carb counting diets –
This method restricts carbohydrates, which can create ketosis and put your body into fat burning mode. I also find that it really helps reduce sugar cravings. There are high protein diets and low GI diets that fall into this category.
Fat counting diets –
When you restrict the amount of fat in your diet, you automatically reduce the number of calories you consume.
What Works for You?
If you are considering a weight-loss program and you have medical problems, or if you are severely overweight, programs run by trained health professionals may be best for you.
These professionals are more likely to monitor you for possible side effects of weight loss and to talk to your doctor when necessary.
The diet you choose should help you lose weight and keep it off by teaching you healthy eating and physical activity habits that you will be able to follow for the rest of your life.